SECTION 1:  The name of the Association will be the "Hartsdel Neighborhood Watch Association, Inc." (HNWA), herein after referred to as the "Association".

SECTION 2:  The Association will serve the neighborhood from the intersection of SE 44th and Bryant north to the intersection of Bryant and SE 29th, east to the intersection of SE 29th and Sunnylane, south to the intersection of Sunnylane and SE 44th and west to the point of origin of SE 44th and Bryant. The Association will not include any of the apartment complexes.

SECTION 3:  The Neighborhood will be divided into 6 districts:

District 1:  From SE 44th, north to Chetwood Drive (Both sides of street)and From Bryant Avenue, East to Leonhardt Drive.

District 2:  From Terry Way, north to Royalwood Circle and from Leonhardt Drive, east to Clendon Way.

District 3:  From SE 44th, north to Chetwood Drive and Clendon Way, east to Veterans Lane.

District 4:  Corbett Drive, north to Greenway Terrace and from Clendon Way, east to Veterans Lane.

District 5:  From SE 44th, north to Overland Drive and from Veterans Lane, east to Sunnylane Road.

District 6:  From Chetwood Drive (does not include Chetwood Drive itself) north to Hillside Drive and from Bryant Avenue, east to Leonhardt Drive.


SECTION 1:  The Association will be a non-profit organization organized for the purpose of improving and beautifying the neighborhood, educating members in the prevention of crime in and around the neighborhood, and promoting neighborhood and community relations, without regard to race, color, creed or national origin.

SECTION 2:  The Association will implement the "Hartsdel Neighborhood Watch Patrol" for patrolling the neighborhood to aid in the prevention of crime. The patrol will be on a voluntary basis only, and will be made up of Association members only. The procedures and policies of this watch patrol will be subject to the Association's Bylaws and the Watch Patrol's handbook standing rules. The Watch Patrol will use the handbook adopted by the Association by a majority vote at a regular meeting.

SECTION 3:  The Association will be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan. The name of the Association or the names of any members in their official capacities will not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to the promotion or objectives of the Association.

SECTION 4:  The Association will not--directly or indirectly--participate or intervene in any way, including the publishing or distributing of statements, in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office or religious issues.


SECTION 1:  All checks, drafts, and other orders for the payment of monies, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the Association will be signed by any two of the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. No two members of the same household may be signers on the same check, draft, or other order for payment.

SECTION 2:  All funds of the Association will be deposited to the credit of the Association in such federally insured institutions as the Executive Board may elect.

SECTION 3:  The Executive Board may accept on behalf of the Association any contribution, gift, or bequest for the general purposes or for any special purpose of the Association.

SECTION 4:  Any disbursement of Association funds in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) must be approved by a majority vote of Association members at a general membership meeting. Expenditures of funds, in excess of one hundred ($100.00), previously budgeted and approved by the Association are excepted.

SECTION 5:  An annual audit will take place during September. The audit committee will make their report at the October General Membership meeting. Other audits may be conducted as necessary. (Amended at the July 2003 membership meeting.)


SECTION 1:  Membership dues in the Association will be twelve dollars ($12.00) per household per year. Dues are payable on or before September 1 for the next fiscal year. Dues for members joining after the beginning of the fiscal year will be on a prorated basis. Any increase in dues must be proposed and submitted to the Association at a general membership meeting and published in the newsletter. Prior to approval, a majority vote of Association members at a general membership meeting is required for adoption.

SECTION 2:  Term for membership in the Association will be from September 1 through August 31.

SECTION 3:  Association members must be eighteen (18) years or older, and reside within the boundaries as defined in Article I Section 2.


SECTION 1:  The officers of this Association will consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Patrol Captain(s). Terms of office will be from September 1st to August 31st.

SECTION 2:  Only Association members, whose dues are current, will be eligible to hold office.

SECTION 3:  Any officer whose actions are not in the best interest of the association may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present at a regular Association meeting. Termination of office will be effective immediately. Notice of intent to remove, having been given at the preceding meeting.

SECTION 4:  A vacancy occurring in any office will be filled by appointment of the Executive Board for the unexpired term.


SECTION 1:  PRESIDENT:  The President will preside at all meetings of the Association. The President will be ex-officio member of all committees excluding the nominating committee and the auditing committee. The President, or designated representative, shall be a member of the Civilian Emergency Response Team (CERT) Board.

SECTION 2:  VICE PRESIDENT:  The Vice President will assist the President in the performance of his or her duties, and will execute same in the President's absence. The Vice President will be an ex-officio member of all committees excluding the nominating committee and the auditing committee.

SECTION 3:  SECRETARY:  The Secretary will keep accurate records of Association meetings, files between the Association and it's members, and receive all monies due to the Association and pay the same to the Treasurer.

SECTION 4:  TREASURER:  The Treasurer will have charge of all funds of the Association, keep accurate accounts, and pay all documented and/or member approved claims. The Association will be informed of its financial condition at anytime. A treasurer's report will be given at all regular meetings.

SECTION 5:  PATROL CAPTAIN(S):  The Patrol Captain(s) will be in charge of the neighborhood watch patrol. The Patrol Captain(s) will be responsible for all patrol equipment, insure that it is in proper working order and know of its whereabouts at all times. The Patrol Captain(s) will present a report of the patrol's activities and expenditures (if applicable) at all regular meetings.

SECTION 6:  After serving as President, he or she may serve as an advisor to any future officer.


SECTION 1:  General Membership Meetings will be held monthly. The date, time and location for all regular meetings will be determined by the Executive Board. Reports from all committees will be given either orally or in writing. (Amended at the July 2003 membership meeting.)

SECTION 2:  The Annual Meeting will be held in August and will be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving annual reports of officers and committees, and any other business deemed necessary. Election of officers will be accordance with Article IX, Section 7.

SECTION 3:  Special Meetings may be called by the President, a majority vote of the Executive Board, or by a petition signed by twenty (20) members. Notice and purpose of the meeting must be distributed to members no later than five (5) days prior to the meeting. Only the announced purpose of the meeting will be discussed during that meeting.

SECTION 4:  Ten (10) members of the Association will constitute a quorum at Association meetings.


SECTION 1:  The Executive Board will consist of the following elected officials: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Patrol Captain(s).

SECTION 2:  The Executive Board will be responsible for business referred to it by the Association. Presidential appointments of standing committees will be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board.

SECTION 3:  The Executive Board will meet prior to regular meetings of the Association. The time, date, and place of the meetings will be at the discretion of the Executive Board. Special Board meetings may be called by the President or by a majority vote of the Executive Board members.

SECTION 4:  Any member of the Association may appear before the Executive Board, with prior approval of a Board member, for the limited purpose of presenting matters for consideration of the Board.


SECTION 1:  The President will appoint one (1) District Representative for each of the Districts outlined in Article I, Section 3.

SECTION 2:  There will be a Membership Committee consisting of the Vice President and District Representatives. It will be the duty of this Committee to study and implement new ways and means of enlisting new members to the Association.

SECTION 3:  There will be a Publicity Committee consisting of the Secretary and a minimum of three (3) members, appointed by the President. It will be the duty of this Committee to study ways and means of acquainting the general public with the functions and services of the Association, and to print and distribute the newsletter and special notices to members.

SECTION 4:  A Beautification Committee composed of a minimum of three (3) members will be appointed by the President. It will be the duties of this committee to study ways and means of beautifying the neighborhood.

SECTION 5:  A Bylaws Committee composed of a minimum of three (3) members will be appointed by the President promptly after the Annual Meeting. It will be the duty of this committee to consider, edit, and/or correlate amendments to these Bylaws and to submit such amendments with the proposer's name and the Committee's recommendations to the Association as provided in Article XII.

SECTION 6:  The Auditing Committee consisting of three (3) members not holding any elected position will be appointed by the Executive Board to audit the accounts of the Treasurer.

SECTION 7:  There will be a Nominating Committee, composed of a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5) Association members, appointed by the Executive Board at least three (3) months prior to the annual election. No member of the Executive Board will serve on, or attend any meeting of the Committee. The Committee will nominate at least one (1) eligible Association member for each office. Nominations will be taken from the floor prior to the election. The Robert's Rules of Order will be used in conducting the election. Only those members who have signified their consent to serve, if elected, will be nominated for, or elected to, such office.

SECTION 8:  The Executive Board may establish other committees as deemed necessary for any specific or special purpose. The President will select the members for these specific or special committees with the approval and appointment of the Executive Board.


SECTION 1:  The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order will govern the Association in cases where they are applicable and consistent with the Bylaws or any special rules of order of the Association.

SECTION 2:  Any parliamentary procedure questions will be referred to the Bylaws Committee for interpretation.


SECTION 1:  In the event of dissolution of the Association, the tangible assets of the Association and cash resources should be distributed as decided by a majority vote at the final meeting of the Association.


SECTION 1:  These Bylaws may be amended at a regular meeting of the Association by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, provided the Bylaws Committee has submitted a written report of such proposed amendment(s) to the Association at its preceding regular meeting or that a written notice including the proposed amendment(s) was published in the newsletter prior to the meeting.

FIRST READING:  October 2, 2001
SECOND READING:  November 6, 2001

These amended bylaws were approved and adopted on the 6th day of November, 2001.


Bill French, Chairman

Steve Chuma, Vice-Chairman

Dallas Miller, Chairperson

Dick Carter, Association President
Ex-Officio Member

Emily Chuma, Association Vice-President
Ex-Officio Member

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