Sec. 13-77. Trespass.

(a)    No person shall trespass on public property or school property. As used in this section:

        (1)    Public property shall mean that property which is dedicated to the public use and over whichthe federal, state or municipal governments or any political subdivision thereof exercises control and dominion.

        (2)    Trespass shall mean each and every actual entry upon the premises of an owner or other person in lawful possession of the premises or government in violation and contrary to the provisions of any official sign posted to regulate and govern such entry or use.

        (3)    Official sign shall mean any permanently fixed notice posted by the federal, state or municipal government owning or maintaining any said public property.

        (4)    School property shall mean any property or institution devoted primarily to the education of children from pre-school through the twelfth grade.

(b)    No person shall trespass on private property. As used in this subsection:

        (1)    Private property shall mean any property other than public property.

        (2)    Public property shall have the meaning ascribed to it in subsection (a).

        (3)    Trespass shall mean each and every actual entry upon the premises of an owner or other person in lawful possession of the premises without the express or the implied consent of the owner or other person in lawful possession. "Trespass" shall also mean remaining upon the premises of an owner or other person in lawful possession after having been told to leave the premises by the owner, or the agent, or employee of the owner, or other persons in lawful possession of the premises. "Trespass" shall also be defined as the act of remaining on private property at any time other than during posted hours of business operation after having been directed to vacate such premises by a police officer, provided that the provisions of this sentence shall not apply to persons, including employees, whose presence upon such premises is authorized by the owner or by a person in lawful possession of such premises; nor shall the provisions of this sentence apply unless hours of business operation are posted upon such premises. "Trespass" shall also be defined as the act of returning to private property before the posted time of opening for business operation on the next business day after having been directed to vacate such premises under the terms of this subsection. "Trespass" shall also be defined as the act of remaining on premises, whether private or public, when such is posted forbidding said act at any time other than during the posted hours of business operation.

(c)    Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), plus costs, or by imprisonment for not more than sixty (60) days or by both such fine and imprisonment.

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